Thank you for visiting our website! We pride ourselves in a progressive approach to international education. Following the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate program in primary school as well in the final years of the school we embrace international mindedness and believe that quality education neither begins nor ends in the classroom alone.
Our balanced program, which provides for strong academics combined with arts and extra-curricular activities, is aimed at educating the whole child. We see education as a process, that is student centred as well as student led.
At LIS, education is viewed as an on-going partnership between students, teachers and parents. We are a young school, which is growing very quickly. Come and visit our extraordinary facility unique in Kanwan Dist. Dhar (Madhya Pradesh).
Here at LIS we are committed to the best. Our enthusiasm and ambition is unsurpassed. The level of energy of our teachers and staff is well matched by the vibrancy of our student body and community at large. We are a school that is reaching for the stars –come and join us in our quest to become one of the premier international educational institutions in the region.